Vote Dark Fracture for the Megamigs People's Choice Award!


We have just wrapped up EGX and here we are attending another event! This year, Feardemic and Twisted II Studio will (virtually) attend Megamigs for their first time to showcase the terrifying research facilities of the psychological horror Dark Fracture — and we have TWO competitions to win!

The first one sees Dark Fracture competing for Best Sound Design, and the outcome will be determined by the judges of the event. But it’s the second one where YOU can make a difference: the People’s Choice Award!

The vote is open to the public, and you can cast yours to support Dark Fracture!

All you need to do is head over to the link below and select Dark Fracture for the “Category under 5M” choice!

Vote here ->

Thank you for your help!

PS: if you haven’t tried Dark Fracture yet, there’s a juicy Prologue demo waiting for you on Steam