If someone plays a remix in the forest and no one is around to hear it, is it still a banger? Hell yeah, it is.


Announcing the winners of the Black Summer Remix Competition, watch the music video for the winning entry!

The Spring is here and so is the conclusion to our Black Summer Remix Competition! As a reminder, BSC was a contest where we asked our fans to remix the song Black Summer by The Feardemic Orchestra created for the purpose of an easter egg in our surreal horror game Dark Fracture. The top 3 finalists were each to receive a set of world-renowned GRADO GW100 wireless headphones worth 249 USD each, and the winner would additionally get their creation featured in Dark Fracture as well as on the official game soundtrack.

Now, without further ado, we’d like to congratulate MUSLEY for taking first place in the competition, your remix really had that “it” factor that we were looking for in a winner and your reimagining of the song was really creative. We’d also like to congratulate the runner-ups, THE SEVEN WHORES OF THE APOCALYPSE (hope we spelled that right), and SIDDARTH, you guys did a fantastic job and we hope the new headphones will serve you well. We’d also like to thank all the other folks who submitted an entry, you guys rock, and there were some amazing entries that almost made it to the podium, and deserve praise, keep doing the good work. Who knows, if we run of these again in the future, you might just pull ahead!

Now, we premiered a part of this at Fear Fest already but here is the full version of the music video we’ve prepared for Musley’s winning Black Summer Remix, enjoy!

Feardemic out!