Twisted II Studio and Feardemic unveil the release plans of DARK FRACTURE to the community


During the course of June the 24th, representatives of Feardemic and Twisted II Studio have participated in an AMA [Ask Me Anything] session on the Reddit board of r/pcgaming.

During the event, developer and publisher engaged with the public to announce the recently concluded publishing agreement for the game “Dark Fracture”, its release plans, and share insights and answer questions related to the development of the game.

Simultaneously to the Reddit AMA, the existing userbase over the communities of the “Dark Fracture” and “Dark Fracture: Prologue” Steam hubs have been notified about the removal of Dark Fracture from the Steam Early-Access program in favor of a full-fledged release.

Dark Fracture is set to release on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch in late 2022.